The religious liberties guaranteed by our Constitution are not negotiable. We must stand together against Governor Newsom’s abuse of power and the suppression of religious freedom in California.

Gish v. Newsom

Hastings College Conservation Committee v. State of California
The Left’s attempt to cancel founding fathers and rewrite history through a “woke” lens has taken aim at a new victim—Serranus Hastings.

J.A. v. Luna
School officials shouldn’t sacrifice students on the altar of cancel culture. But that’s what San Diego Unified School District officials did to middle school student J.A. when they accused him of a hate crime, suspended him, and barred him from all future sporting events.

Julie Jaman v. City of Port Townsend
The City of Port Townsend and the YMCA punished Julie because of the content of her speech—because she spoke out after seeing a man in the women’s locker room.

Konen v. Spreckels Union School District
Middle school is a confusing time for kids. But it is especially confusing when schools exclude parents from important decisions in the lives of their children—like whether to be socially transitioned to a different gender.

Layla Jane v. Kaiser Hospital Foundation
Layla Jane desperately needed help, but found herself under the “care” of medical professionals who chemically and surgically mutilated her body.

Luka Hein v. UNMC Physicians
Luka Hein’s trauma at the hands of medical professionals at the University of Nebraska Medical Center is a wake-up call exposing the nation to the barbaric realities of “gender affirming care.”

Mahoney v. U.S. Capitol Police Board
The Constitution is clear, government officials may not pick winners and losers with respect to constitutional rights.

Ngo v. Rose City Antifa
On Saturday, June 29th, 2019, Portland-based journalist Andy Ngo was covering the often violent and disruptive protests within the city of Portland. While reporting on the Antifa protests, he was brutally targeted and assaulted by multiple members of Antifa. While Andy was perhaps the most high-profile individual assaulted that day, he was certainly not the only one.

Regino v. Staley
Aurora Regino’s daughter, A.S., was in the 5th grade when an elementary school guidance counselor decided to socially transition her from female to male without Aurora’s consent. In fact, the school never even notified Aurora that this transition was happening.