Center for American Liberty files Amicus Brief in Mahmoud v. Taylor

Today, the Center for American Liberty filed an amicus brief at the United States Supreme Court in the case of Mahmoud v. Taylor.

This case challenges a Maryland school district’s policy that violates parental rights. Specifically, it is the policy of Montgomery County Public Schools to prohibit parents the ability to “opt-out” of school curriculum involving gender and sexuality, even when parents object to the curriculum on religious grounds.

Elementary school students are being introduced to “gender unicorns” and transgenderism at an early age. One book featured in this curriculum instructs kindergartners to search through a picture book to find a “drag queen,” “underwear,” “leather,” and an “intersect flag.” Teachers were also instructed to tell children that at birth, doctors merely guess a baby’s gender.

It is no wonder parents want to opt their kids out. But members of the school board are trying to force this propaganda on kids. In fact, board members stated in an open hearing that they were not allowing opt-outs because they wanted to counteract the “wrong lessons” that parents were teaching their kids at home.

Montgomery County Public Schools is not the only school district trying to usurp parental rights. This is a growing problem across the country.

Our lawsuit, Regino v. Staley, challenging “parental secrecy policies” in California public schools awaits a decision from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. There, it is the policy of public schools to facilitate a child’s social transition—from male to female or female to male—without parental notification or consent.

Center for American Liberty files Amicus Brief in Mahmoud v. Taylor