Justice for Clementine Breen
12.05.2024 Complaint
Meet Clementine Breen. As a young teenager, Clementine was rushed into puberty blockers and a double mastectomy by reckless doctors who expressed no regard for her history of trauma and mental health issues. She is now suing the medical system that failed her with the help of Center for American Liberty.
Before she was old enough to drive a car, get a tattoo, or buy a ticket to an R-rated movie, doctors rushed Clementine Breen into highly invasive life altering “gender affirming care.” Doctors put Clementine on puberty blockers when she was 12 years old, cross-sex hormones when she was 13 years old, and performed a double mastectomy on her when she was just 14 years old.
And they did all this without performing a mental health assessment. Had doctors inquired, they would have quickly realized that Clementine suffered from trauma stemming from being sexually abused when she was in elementary school. They also would have realized that she suffered from numerous comorbidities, including symptoms of depression, anxiety, autism, and undiagnosed PTSD.
But like so many other de-transitioners, Clementine never had a chance. Doctors gave Clementine’s parents the false dilemma, would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son? It wasn’t until after taking testosterone that Clementine began having suicidal ideations.
Today, Clementine is fighting back and the Center for American Liberty is proud to be teaming up with the terrific attorneys at Campbell Miller Payne, PLLC and LiMandri & Jonna LLP to sue the doctors responsible and to give Clementine the justice she deserves.