Results for: Title IX

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Harmeet Dhillon on NTD Evening News

Harmeet Dhillon joined NTD Evening News to discuss recent lawsuits challenging President Biden's Title IX rule changes, Eventbrite cancellation controversy,...

Bliler v. Olyphant Borough

No American should have to ask the government permission to put up a sign on their own property to express their beliefs. Government officials must be held to account: they cannot restrict speech just because its critical of the government.

Bonta v. Chino Valley Unified School District

The California Attorney General sued the Chino Valley Unified School District to put an end to the District’s new Parental Notification Policy. He sued the school District to put an end to parental rights.

Ateba v. Jean-Pierre

A free press is a cornerstone of a thriving democracy. Whether it is for Simon Ateba or for any other American, the First Amendment must be protected.

Konen v. Spreckels Union School District

Middle school is a confusing time for kids. But it is especially confusing when schools exclude parents from important decisions in the lives of their children—like whether to be socially transitioned to a different gender.

Tandon v. Newsom

On October 13, 2020, the Center for American Liberty sued California Governor Gavin Newsom and Santa Clara County Executive Jeffrey Smith, challenging unconstitutional restrictions on religious and political gatherings.